Mount Edith Cavell | Jasper National Park

Mount Edith Cavell | Jasper National Park

Edith Cavell Meadows trail is approximately 8.5 km heavily trafficked moderate loop trail with 558 m elevation gain. The beginning part of the trail from the parking lot up to the glacier and pond is called Path of the Glacier Trail and is a very popular short interpretive trail about 1.5 km with 70m elevation gain; You take this trail to get to the Cavell Meadows loop. Please Note that this trail is located in the Canadian National Parks system and you will require a parks pass to do this hike. Purchase when entering the park or online at Parks Canada. 

Keep in mind that these trails are seasonal and the road up to the parking lot closes in the shoulder season to winter months and usually is not accessible until June. We completed this trail the second week of June and came across snow in certain areas of the trail but nothing to crazy. The only thing crazy is the weather we get here in the mountains. It rained, snowed, got windy then was hot and sunny then rained so come prepared!

To get to Edith Cavell Trail head 7 km South of Jasper on Hwy 93 then turn right on Hwy 93 A. Head approximately 5 km and turn right onto Cavell Road. Drive 14 km down the narrow road winding through the forest and switchbacks which is only suitable for smaller vehicles. There is a drop off at the bottom for trailers and large motorhomes. 

Once in the parking lot head to the Path of the Glacier / Edith Cavell Meadows Trail. The first section is paved and stairs with some interpretive signs... we read a few but kept moving as this section was incredibly busy all the way up to the pond and Angel Glacier. We took a few pictures but continued on as we knew the views would only get better the higher we went. 

After viewing the pond and Angel glacier make a left and head onto the Meadows trail. This trail can be very muddy in early season and you may encounter some snow. The year we went spring came early and we had a dry summer so the trail open up the weekend we happened to be in Jasper.

This section of the trail is moderately steep in areas and takes you through an upper subalpine forest and tree line. You pass through a beautiful Alpine Meadow that was to early to be in full bloom but some where starting to flower. We have heard that the Meadow is just beautiful in mid July to August!

In the distance throughout our hike we could see and hear many snow avalanche waterfalls happening all around us. It echoed through the Mountains and was very unique to experience. Once through the meadows and the tree line you can take the switchback scree section to the peek and take in the view. We did however by the time we made it to the top the clouds had rolled in and the wind picked up once again and the rain came down.

This hike we would highly recommend, however maybe start early in the day to beat the crowd. Bring lots of water, Bear spray, bring layers and a rain jacket and of course don't forget the snacks. Hope you enjoyed this blog and don't forget to check out some of our other Adventures. 





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